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Monday, 30 August 2010
A Future Fair For All

A Future Fair For All

posted Saturday, 20 February 2010

"A future fair for all" is the Labour Party's catchphrase in the forthcoming UK General Election.

Does this mean we're going to be treated with dodgems, carousels, helter-skelters, sideshows, Punch and Judy puppet shows...?
If so, my vote is theirs! Smile

Freak shows?
"Cold chips, Missus?"


1. Nicholas Royle left...
Saturday, 20 February 2010 7:37 pm

I suspect it means futuristic dodgems; carousels loaded with Toyota Priuses; helter-skelters that go up, not down; robotic Punch & Judy shows. I'll still vote for them, if only to keep the other lot out.

2. Weirdmonger left...
Sunday, 21 February 2010 9:54 am

Thanks, Nicholas. :)

Further thoughts... A hung parliament - seems apt regarding the fair's puppet shows.

Seriously, this ambiguity of a 'future fair for all' would be avoided if they had used 'a future fair to all'?

Meanwhile, many envision loud slowly spinning merry-gordons ... and strung or stilted clowns stalking our nightmares.

3. Weirdmonger left...
Sunday, 21 February 2010 5:41 pm

I think the slogan-makers made a big mistake - in their own terms.

Just as a narrow point (unaffecting the bigger points of politics raised elsewhere with which I have much sympathy) - does anyone agree with me that 'a future fair to all' makes more unambiguous sense (just as a piece of English) than 'a future fair for all'?

I've also noticed that 'a future fair for all' has a resonance, when said quickly, with 'a future free for all'!

4. L.P. left...
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 3:36 am :: http://lpvanness.blogspot.com/

As usual, I enjoyed much your recent audio recording at TLO. des, what does 'cold chips, Missus' mean?

5. Weirdmonger left...
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 9:17 am

hi, LP - it's some old nonesense about cold cafes on wet winter afternoons and the plucky British spirit of making the best of it with a joke. :)

6. a future fair for all left...
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 6:10 pm :: http://futurefairforall.org

Given what happened the last time the Prime Minister promised “A future fair for all” - this isn’t a slogan; it’s a warning.

Posted by wordonymous at 4:12 AM EDT
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