A Future Fair For All
Does this mean we're going to be treated with dodgems, carousels, helter-skelters, sideshows, Punch and Judy puppet shows...?
If so, my vote is theirs!

Freak shows?

I suspect it means futuristic dodgems; carousels loaded with Toyota Priuses; helter-skelters that go up, not down; robotic Punch & Judy shows. I'll still vote for them, if only to keep the other lot out.
Further thoughts... A hung parliament - seems apt regarding the fair's puppet shows.
Seriously, this ambiguity of a 'future fair for all' would be avoided if they had used 'a future fair to all'?
Meanwhile, many envision loud slowly spinning merry-gordons ... and strung or stilted clowns stalking our nightmares.
I think the slogan-makers made a big mistake - in their own terms.
Just as a narrow point (unaffecting the bigger points of politics raised elsewhere with which I have much sympathy) - does anyone agree with me that 'a future fair to all' makes more unambiguous sense (just as a piece of English) than 'a future fair for all'?
I've also noticed that 'a future fair for all' has a resonance, when said quickly, with 'a future free for all'!
As usual, I enjoyed much your recent audio recording at TLO. des, what does 'cold chips, Missus' mean?
hi, LP - it's some old nonesense about cold cafes on wet winter afternoons and the plucky British spirit of making the best of it with a joke. :)
Given what happened the last time the Prime Minister promised “A future fair for all” - this isn’t a slogan; it’s a warning.